Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good VS Bad

About Online Portfolio Website

I like searching for a designer's portfolio website for inspiration, for learning, or simply for fun.

I'm happy to share some of my website collection. However, people all have a different aesthetic sense; I'm just stating my own point of view.

When I think about online portfolio I liken it to a platform showing off your work. Thus, your work should be under the most consideration. It shouldn't to be too much to handle. The website needs to draw people's attention but that doesn't mean you have to make your homepage busy for it's own sake. You can always show those skills in your work section. People may get confused when they looking at your website, especially those with weaker eyes.. like me.. I prefer a legible, clean, easy to navigate portfolio website.

Let's have a look about some 'bad' ones. I think these websites are still pretty good and fun to look at but they have less than fantastic aesthetic or they have too much information on the page.

The first one is from an Asian designer. I like the work and the theme of the website. I understand the calligraghy effect since we share the same culture background. The problem is that the website is really subtle. You can't easily navigate without guessing the location of the buttons. A user shouldn't struggle to reach content. His work is pretty cool though.

I like the layout of the website. It's clean and modern. I just feel the effect on the right is too distracting and is nothing but non-stop motion.

The first time I entered this website I thought to myself 'this is soooo cute!!!' and the work is really powerful too...But not the size of the's just too small...the black background doesn't work that well here.

Here's something good...

(Note: Please open a new tab for this link in order to get back to this blog.)

It's all about personal aesthetic...this one. I really love it. I like how the designer incorporates photo into flash and those trees just make me feel a sense of the open air. The flash effect works well and the portfolio is also very powerful on it's own.

I like the designer's work and the layout is very clean. It says 'Professional' without overdoing it.

I like the layout ..again...
The navigation bar is really interesting and the details are very strong. All of the elements and their placement work great as a whole.

This is all personal opinion. Feel free to discuss your thoughts.